Oh, dude, Louis Jolliet's ships were named "Le Griffon" and "La Dauphine." They were like the cool kids on the block back in the 17th century, cruising around the Great Lakes and doing their thing. So yeah, if you're ever in a trivia night and someone asks about Jolliet's ships, now you know.
Louis Jolliet's ships were named the Sainte-Marie and the Perle. These ships were used during Jolliet's exploration of the Mississippi River in 1673, along with Jacques Marquette. The expedition aimed to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.
Jean-Baptiste Jolliet was Louis Jolliets and his wife's daughter.
Jean-Baptiste Jolliet was Louis Jolliets and his wife's daughter.
what was louis jolliets accomplishments
to find the mississippi river
jacques marquette
Louis Joliet was born in 1645 near Quebec, Canada to Marie d'Abancourt and John Joliet. He was an explorer who along with Jacques Marquette went on an expedition along the Mississippi River in 1673.
well louis jolliet had the goal of making it to france on time for the riches of the world but he sailed across chris columbus passed him and he was to late but he did make his second goal having sex with 32 womem
the etraos and the gatre are two of his ships
Louis from one direction's full name is Louis William Tomlinson. His name is Louis Tomlinson.
His full name is Louis William Tomlinson, his birth name was Louis Troy Austin.
Mariners traditionally believe ships with name changes are cursed.
Louis Tomlinson's birth name is Louis William.