気をつけて (kiotsukete) For pronunciation read this site http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~bestor/easy_pronunciation.htm
マッフィン, read as "maffin." muffin in Japanese is:マフィン P
Yomi is the word "read" as in, to read a book. The infinitive verb is yomimasu.
Ware koigokoro warawa. (me) (love) (I) You gotta remember they read right to left. Asking for my proof? Copy & paste it: http://www.freedict.com/onldict/jap.htm
to say physic in Japanese is 下剤 and it is read like gezai hope this helps :)
Kono hōmupēji e yōkoso (read: kono homu peji eyo koso) このホームページへようこそ
The name Gerard is written as ジェラード in Japanese. This is read as 'jeraado'.
どう (dou) For pronunciation read this site http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~bestor/easy_pronunciation.htm
Two ways:1. アメリカ, read "amerika."2. 米国, read "beikoku."
If you can read japanese, here it is. ブルーベリーブラックベリーバニラチョコレート甘い砂糖
チョニー (cho nii) is how they would read ans write it in Japanese, I believe it's a name so it can't exactly be 'translated'.
戊 is the name of fifth sign of the Chinese calendar, which can be read /bo/ and also /tsu chi no e/.