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Q: What is the phrase 'Can you read this' when translated from English to Japanese?
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気をつけて (kiotsukete) For pronunciation read this site

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マッフィン, read as "maffin." muffin in Japanese is:マフィン P

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Yomi is the word "read" as in, to read a book. The infinitive verb is yomimasu.

What is the phrase 'I love me' when translated from English to Japanese?

Ware koigokoro warawa. (me) (love) (I) You gotta remember they read right to left. Asking for my proof? Copy & paste it:

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to say physic in Japanese is 下剤 and it is read like gezai hope this helps :)

What is the phrase 'welcome to this home' when translated from English to Japanese?

Kono hōmupēji e yōkoso (read: kono homu peji eyo koso) このホームページへようこそ

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The name Gerard is written as ジェラード in Japanese. This is read as 'jeraado'.

What is the word 'how' when translated from English to Japanese?

どう (dou) For pronunciation read this site

What is the word 'America' when translated from English to Japanese?

Two ways:1. アメリカ, read "amerika."2. 米国, read "beikoku."

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If you can read japanese, here it is. ブルーベリーブラックベリーバニラチョコレート甘い砂糖

What is the word 'chonny' when traslated from English to Japanese?

チョニー (cho nii) is how they would read ans write it in Japanese, I believe it's a name so it can't exactly be 'translated'.

What means bo when translated from Japanese to English?

戊 is the name of fifth sign of the Chinese calendar, which can be read /bo/ and also /tsu chi no e/.