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"Itterasshai!" is what is normally said when sending someone off.

"Ki wo tsukete kudasai" means "be careful" or "stay safe!"

Itterasshai is pronounced EET-teh-rosh-shai.

Ki wo tsukete kudasai is pronounced kee-oh-tsoo-keh-teh koo-dah-sai.

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15y ago
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17y ago

You say iterashai. Although I dont know how to spell it.

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13y ago

無事な御旅行を => 'buji na go ryokou wo' is more formal/polite/respective way and 安全なたびを => 'anzen na tabi wo' is more common way to say that.

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11y ago

It's traditional for Japanese people to wish travelers 気をつけて (ki wo tsukete) "take care" or "be careful."

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13y ago

ずっとご無事で => /zu-tto go bu ji de/

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