"Itterasshai!" is what is normally said when sending someone off.
"Ki wo tsukete kudasai" means "be careful" or "stay safe!"
Itterasshai is pronounced EET-teh-rosh-shai.
Ki wo tsukete kudasai is pronounced kee-oh-tsoo-keh-teh koo-dah-sai.
You can say, "Selamat jalan!"
ki o tsukete.
Rugby skills and hope
Semoga perjalananmu lancar....
Que tengas un viaje seguro
Bon Voyage is a French phrase that has been borrowed into English, usually translated as "safe journey."
Buon viaggio sicuro! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Have a safe and good trip!" The masculine singular phrase also translates as "nice, safe trip" in English. The pronunciation will be "bwon VYAD-djo see-KOO-ro" in Italian.
"Are you safe?" in English is Sei salvo? in Italian.
Viaggio sicuro is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "safe trip." The masculine singular phrase also translates into English as "secure (harmless, stress-free, worry-free) journey." The pronunciation will be "VYAD-djo see-KOO-ro" in Italian.
Buji. ぶじ Eg: あなたはぶじですか。Are you safe (unhurt)? 'anata wa buji desuka?'
一路平安. "Yi lu ping an." It means: "Smooth sailing." Or "Hope you will be safe through-out your journey."