The phrase take care and good luck in Indonesian is 'jaga diri dan semoga beruntung'. The word by word translation is:
* Take care: jaga diri * and: dan * good luck: semoga beruntung
The phrase 'where do you work' when translated to Indonesian is: dimanakah Anda bekerja?
The phrase 'my love' in Indonesian is: 'cintaku'.
The phrase 'the last leaf' when translated to Indonesian is daun terakhir.
The phrase 'why though' in Indonesian is tetapi mengapa.
The phrase 'apa kabarnya juga' when translated to English is how do you do.
The phrase 'hi gorgeous' in Indonesian is halo cantik.
The phrase 'farmer Dellin' in Indonesian is petani Dellin.
The phrase 'Happy New Year' when translated to Indonesian is Selamat Tahun Baru.
Peace be with you in Indonesian is 'Semoga kedamaian menyertaimu'.