como estar
The cast of Es como la ley de Murphy - 2007 includes: Esteban Somosierra as Esteban
Verbo copulativo, como ser o estar.
A common sentence used in spanish that uses "como" is : "¿Como estas?" which means "How are you?"
That means something like "how be". If you mean "Cómo estás", that means "How are you".
It means: How are you, my beauty? (The use of estai is a slang version of estar)
Translation: Como quisiero/quisieras estar en esa isla bonita con Ashley (I/you wish)
In English, you would say "I just wanted to make sure."
hola amor me muero de las ganas de estar atu lado
It means "How are you?". "Como estas" without any accents means "like these." Understand that in Spanish (and many other languages), words mean different things with accents. What most people mean by "Como estas" is "How are you?" In that case, the question would be phrased "¿Cómo estás?" "Como" means "like" while "cómo" means "how." "Estas" means "these" while " estás" means "you are.", but then again you have to realize that estas with the accent mark comes from estar, which is "to be" in Spanish. Estar and ser both mean to be, but estar means only temporary things, and ser is for permanent things, such as characteristics of people. Again, the accents make a huge difference.
Como obtener un certificado por internet de no estar afiliado al IESS
simples. porque eu sinto o mesmo