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toilet rim should be at 10"-11" in height.

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Q: What is the recommended toilet seat height for preschool children?
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What is the recommended air change for a toilet?

What is the recommended air change for a toilet?

What is the proper height for sanitary fixtures?

Toilet bowls differ in height depending on the users in the household. Fourteen and one half inches is popular in houses with children up to 17 inches in households that have a person with a handicap in rising from the toilet

What are toilet seat height standards in the US?

The height of a standard toilet seat is 14" from a furnished floor.

What is the average height of a toilet?

That depends on who is to use the toilet. children's toilet seats (in schools for example) are much lower than in an apartment and old peoples homes have even higher seats. The Swedish standard toilet height (to the rim not including any seat) is 420 mm.

What is the standard toilet height?

The standard toilet height is the same standard height of a chair which is between 16 to 17 inches. You can order toilets that are higher off the ground than that for older people who have a hard time getting up off the toilet.

When measuring handicap toilet height does it include the seat?

Yes, you would that is part of the toilet.

Height of a toilet?

Depends usually 70cm

What is the height for an ADA toilet seat?


Standard toilet height?

About 30cm tall

Where can i get a toilet seat that will add 2 inches to the height of my toilet?

Medical supply places should have them.

What are the release dates for Children's Toilet - 1897?

Children's Toilet - 1897 was released on: USA: June 1897

What is the height of a custom height toilet seat?

What ever you want it to be thus the name custom