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The verb meaning "to play" in Spanish is "jugar". The past participle "played" would be "jugado". The past tense of the verb has 12 possibilities (six in the preterit, six in the imperfect tense), depending on who did the playing and the context of use.

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Play a game = Jugar un juego

Play a song = tocar una canción

Play a prank = (Hacer)(Gastar) una broma

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What is the spanish word for play?

Jugar = to play Juga! = play!

What does lets play mean in spanish?

I think what you mean is "What is the Spanish word for let?" because the word "let" is an English word, not Spanish. The Spanish word for "to let" is permitir. "Let me" is "permítame."

What is the pronunciation of the spanish word juego?

"juego", the Spanish word for "I play" or "game", depending on context, is pronounced "HWAY-goh".

What does the spanish word juega mean?

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Is a Spanish word meaning to play, game, sport, move or gamble.

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A good way to study Spanish is to make flash cards with the English word on one side and the Spanish word on the other, try to remember the word in English and Spanish. You can also try to record yourself saying the word and play it back to yourself and repeat until you remember it.

What is Spanish for play?

play in spanish is jugar

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She plays the role of a character in a theatrical play or a movie. NOTE The word Juega, from the root Jugar means to play, but only in the way a child has fun,. This is not the proper word for "play a role or character" in a play. In Spanish, an actor interprets a character, they don't "play" one. The correct Spanish sentence should read "Ella interpreta el papel de un personaje en una obra teatral o en una película" The word Juega when referring to an actor playing a role is used quite a bit, but it is a bastardization of Spanish. It is a direct translation of the word Play in English rather than the proper Spanish word. This is known as Spanglish or engañol. Also the word "play" referring to a theatrical play is "obra", not juega. And the word meaning to play a musical instrument or music is "tocar"

Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

What is the Spanish for the word of?

"De" is the Spanish word for "of".

The Spanish word for did?

The spanish word for did is hizo.