As a birth name, Emer (or Eimear) Ní Chorra. Emer is the Old Irish spelling and Eimear is a more modern form. If it's a married name Emer (or Eimear) Uí Chorra.
In Irish "cora" means "weir"
Mag Shamhráin is the Irish spelling.
The Irish spelling of 'Sheila' is Síle. It is originally derived from Cecilia.
It's probably Irish. It looks like an anglicized spelling of Pádraig. But most Irish Patricks have adopted the English spelling.
As its not an Irish name there would be no Irish spelling for it
"Mo Chara" means "my friend" in Irish. "Mo Chairde" means "my friends", plural.
LEPRECHAUN - one of the small mythical Irish people
Ó Dubhshláine is the Irish spelling.
The Irish spelling is Ruairí; the Scottish spelling is Ruairidh.
The name is not a traditional Irish name and has no historical Irish spelling.
It is not Irish; it's English and probably doesn't have an Irish Gaelic spelling.