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The English language equivalent of oriunde ai fi is wherever you are.

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Q: What is the translation for Oriunde Ai Fi from Romanian to English?
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Unde ai fost is a Romanian equivalent of 'Where have you been'.

What is 'Doing great' in Romanian?

The Romanian equivalents of "doing great" may be: ai făcut bine, ai reuşit cu bine, ai fost descurcăreţ, ai fost mare, ai fost bun, etc.

What is 'You have nice eyes' in Romanian?

Ai ochi frumoşi is a Romanian equivalent of 'You have nice eyes'.

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The Romanian language equivalent is ai vrea să mă săruţi ?

How do you say your welcome in romanian?

Bine ai venit Welcome = Bine ai (or aţi) venit !

Have a good day in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent may be Să ai o zi bună !

You have beautiful eyes in Romanian?

The equivalent of You have beautiful eyes in the Romanian language is Tu ai ochi frumoÅŸi.