You have nice eyes is an English equivalent of 'Ai ochi frumoÅŸi'.
You have nice legs.
"How old are you" English for the romanian:"Câţi ani ai?" Unless you asked a woman, the answer will be "Am <age in numbers> ani"
Incorrect spelling
The Romanian language equivalent of Welcome is Bine ai venit or Să fi bine venit or Eşti binevenit.When translated from English to Romanian language, the word "Welcome" is " Bine ai/ati venit" ( e.g.Welcome to Romania! - Bine ati venit in Romania!) or "binevenit"(e.g. You will always be welcome here!- Veti fi mereu binevenit aici!)
Unde ai fost is a Romanian equivalent of 'Where have you been'.
The Romanian equivalents of "doing great" may be: ai făcut bine, ai reuşit cu bine, ai fost descurcăreţ, ai fost mare, ai fost bun, etc.
Ai ochi frumoşi is a Romanian equivalent of 'You have nice eyes'.
The Romanian language equivalent is ai vrea să mă săruţi ?
Bine ai venit Welcome = Bine ai (or aţi) venit !
The Romanian language equivalent may be Să ai o zi bună !
The equivalent of You have beautiful eyes in the Romanian language is Tu ai ochi frumoÅŸi.