love - hob
Love of my life : Hob Hayati ( in Arabic ) and it written in Arabic this way : حب حياتي
Arabic spelling : حبPronounced like : Hobb
Love : Hob written as : حب,الحب
The Arabic language is a beautiful one. I would love to visit the Arabic countries.
my love
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الحب is an Arabic word. It means "love" in English.
That is the word love in Arabic calligraphy. It is comprised of four different letters ال "al" the definite article and حب "hob" love. The dot underneath is part of the letter b
According to my information it's the Arabic language
Kitchen : matbakh ( in Arabic ). and it is written this way : مطبخ
حب These are two letters ب & ح connected together in one word. Pronounced: Hobb