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βˆ™ 13y ago

A ghost.

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Q: What is un fantasma in Spanish?
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When was Mi Sei Apparso Come Un Fantasma created?

Mi Sei Apparso Come Un Fantasma was created in 2000.

What is spanish for ghost?


How you write ghost in spanish?

fantasma/espiritu/espectro/ente/anima/alma but the others are synonymous of fantasma

What is 'enamorado de un fantasma' when translated from Spanish to English?

"In love with a ghost" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase enamorado de un fantasma. The pronunciation of the masculine singular past participle-driven prepositional phrase -- which links most famously with the music of the singing group Liberación from the north Mexican city of Monterrey in Nuevo León -- will be "ey-NA-mo-RA-tho they oon fan-TA-sma" in Spanish.

What actors and actresses appeared in Anatomia de un fantasma - 2007?

The cast of Anatomia de un fantasma - 2007 includes: Jean Claude Seguin Eduardo de la Vega Alfaro Rafael Utrera

How do you say ghost in any language?

Ghost in Spanish is "fantasma", in French it is "fantΓ΄me", and in Japanese it is "yurei".

Is a male ghost in Spanish Fantasmo or still Fantasma why?

fantasma because its not alive ... the word is not used to classify what kind of ghost it is ... its used for a general purpose

What is the spanish word for ghost?

el espíritu or la fantasma

How do you say jordyn in spanish?

caballo español en los medios fantasma

What actors and actresses appeared in Un fantasma llamado amor - 1957?

The cast of Un fantasma llamado amor - 1957 includes: Matilde Artero Carlos Casaravilla Xan das Bolas Julia Delgado Caro Conchita Goyanes Antonio Riquelme Carlos Romero Marchent Josefina Serratosa Pedro Valdivieso

What actors and actresses appeared in Autopsia de un fantasma - 1968?

The cast of Autopsia de un fantasma - 1968 includes: Susana Cabrera as Susana Amadee Chabot as Galena Pulido Nacho Contla as Nacho Jorge Delong as Robotina Famie Kaufman as Vitola Estanislao Schillinsky as Taxista Hermanas Tejada as Canuto

What does c'est un marriage mean in spanish?

In Spanish, that is "es un matrimonio".