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amato el lobo

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Q: What is warrior wolf in Spanish?
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How do you say wolf warrior in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of wolf warrior is lup luptător or lup care se luptă.

How do you say wolf warrior in Japanese?

There are several words for 'warrior' in Japanese, but a possible translation would be musha ookami.

What does warior mean in Spanish?

warrior means Guerrero in Spanish.

How do you say wolf warrior as a name in Japanese?

狼 (ookami) is "wolf."There are a lot of ways to say "warrior." The most common is probably 武士 (bushi), as in bushido, the way of the samurai. That is fairly specific to the samurai class, however, so a general fighter or soldier "warrior" would be 戦士 (senshi).Put them together, 狼の戦士 (Ookami no senshi) and you get "warrior of the wolf."

What is the Peru word for wolf?

Peru is not a language but i know they speak spanish, the word wolf in spanish is lobo.

What is a lobo wolf?

A lobo is a timber wolf, which is also known as a gray wolf. In Portuguese and in Spanish it means wolf.

What is warrior in spanish?

amato el lobo

Is there a warrior cats website like wolf quest?

Yes, there is a website called "Warrior Cats Online" where fans of the book series can role-play as cats and interact with others in a virtual setting similar to "Wolf Quest." It provides a platform for fans to immerse themselves in the world of the Warrior Cats series.

What is a lobos?

A lobo is a timber wolf, which is also known as a gray wolf. In Portuguese and in Spanish it means wolf.

What is lobo in spanish?

Translation: wolf

How do you say female warrior in spanish?

La guerrera

What does Humberto Mean?

Humberto is a Spanish and Portuguese given name that means "bright warrior" or "famous warrior."