A young Goat is called a kid
A young goat is called a kid.
A Kid. A Baby Goat (as well as a Young Goat) is called a 'KID'
An Adult Goat is called a Goat while a Young one is called a Kid or Billy.
Type your answer here... male goat is called a buck, female is called a doe or possibly a nanny .
Young goats are called kids. Castrated males are called wethers.
A young goat is called a kid.
A baby goat is called a Kid.
A female goat is called a doe or nanny, a mother goat is called a dam, and a young female goat is a doeling or a kid.
"Goat" is a generic term for the animal and refers to both genders. A male goat is called a "Billy Goat" and a female goat is called a "Nanny Goat". A young goat is called a "Kid".
Young Female Goat: Doeling Adult Female Goat: Doe
a baby or young goat is called a kid. (literally, I'm not kidding)