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Your GPA, if you mostly get B's is about a 3.0 depending on what your school goes by, but normally, this is how it goes:

4.0= A

3.0= B

2.0= C

1.0= D

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Q: What is your GPA if you have mostly Bs?
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What is 2.260 GPA?

If you have a 2.76 GPA (grade point average), you probably have mostly Cs and low Bs in your classes. It's a good idea to try to bring it up to at least 3.0, which could be achieved with mostly Bs.

Whats's the GPA for 2.5?

A 2.5 would be an average of Bs and Cs. To determine your GPA, let A =4, B = 3, C =2, and D=1. Add up your grades and divide by the number of classes to give you an average (your GPA).

What is the highest GPA you can get at Harvard?

The answer is a 4.37465 GPA. Mostly in English literature, pre-med, ore law.

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A+ I question if you really have a 3.935 GPA if you are asking that...

How do you get a bachelors to go to law school with a GED?

Apply to a college that awards BS/BA degrees, or get an associates degree from a junior college ( maintain a high GPA) and then apply to a school that offers BS/BA degrees. Complete the requirements for a BS/BA, acquire a degree. (make sure to keep your GPA high) Take the LSAT( study/take a review course for this). Apply to law schools. Good luck.

How do i raise a 2.79 up to a 3.0 GPA?

You need to get some high Bs and As. The number will depend on the credit hours already taken.

What is my GPA if I have 12 As and 2 Bs?

Not all schools measure GPA the same, and if you have AP or honors classes your GPA will be weighted, but if these are all academic classes you should have a 3.0. A=4.0 and C=2.0. Add up all the numbers (4+4+2+2=12) and divide by the number of classes to get your final GPA.

What are the odds of getting a ROTC scholarship?

your chances are to get A and just BS BUT MOSTLY As and be a good student

What grades do you need to have a 3.0 GPA?

to get a 3.0 GPA you need too have all As, Bs and a high C

If my GPA is a 2.96 and you get 2 Bs this semester will it go up?

IT will only increase by a few points , most likely by .15 so it will end up as a 3.09

What does 2.72 GPA mean in term of grades?

A 2.72 GPA means that that person made mostly C's. Maybe a couple of B's and A's but the majority of their grades were C's.

If you got 3 a's 3'bs and one c what is the GPA?

Different schools calculate these things differently. Where I went to school, this would have been a 3.3, a B+.