the Nintendo wii uses motion sensor technology can buy it for around £2000
The Netherlands uses dikes to preserve land.
Suction cups are kind of old school nowadays but they still have tons of uses. These include serving as decorative for windows during a party. It is said to look really nice.
An Airbus A320 uses jet fuel--if you land at a civilian airport you are going to get either Jet A or Jet A-1.
uses of thiocyanide
the three most uses of land in Europe are forest wheat and rye and potatoes.
there is no way to tell how Chile uses their land unless you live in Chile. if you do live in Chile please post an answer saying how Chile uses its land.
the three most uses of land in Europe are forest wheat and rye and potatoes.
The four main uses of land are generally accepted as agricultural; commercial; industrial; and mining.
Angola uses the kwanza.
What kind of computer program uses a large system cache?
Land in Monaco is used for housing, entertainment and roads.