The symbol for chlorine, Cl, originates from its Latin name "chlorum." The symbol was proposed by chemist Humphry Davy in the early 19th century.
The element symbol for chlorine, Cl, originates from its Latin name "chlorum." The symbol was officially assigned by Jons Jakob Berzelius in the early 19th century.
Chlorine comes from the Greek word 'χλωρóς' khlôros, meaning 'pale green'Chlorine is the common name used. the symbol is Cland the atomic number is 17.
Cl2 is chlorine. Chlorine exists as a diatomic molecule.
In English, also chlorine.
IUPAC naming only applies to compounds. The IUPAC name for chlorine is chlorine. In nature chlorine exists as a diatomic compound Cl2 called dichlorine.
A common name for chlorine chloride is phosphorus trichloride.
The name of the chlorine family member is a halogen.
IUPAC naming only applies to compounds. The IUPAC name for chlorine is chlorine. In nature chlorine exists as a diatomic compound Cl2 called dichlorine.
The name of the group 7 elements that chlorine is included in, are called Halogens.
The chemical name for CIF is chlorine monofluoride.
The name of the chlorine anion is chloride (Cl-).