The main obligation (in my opinion) is to care for and treat the children placed in his or her charge with the same care and consideration that a good parent would give. When a parent leaves their son or daughter at a nursery they are placing their trust that their child will be safe.
If you want to become a kindergarten teacher you should go to a University or college and get a teaching degree, preferably one with an academic program related to your field study.
In homeschooling, parents will be able to monitor their children properly but children looses the chance to interacts with other children. Whilst in going to the kindergarten, children will enjoy that phase of their childhood.
this is a great question so great that i just dont know the answer!
There's nothing special to study in high school. Later, you attend a Teacher's College to become a teacher. You might end up teaching First or Second grade (or higher) if a school doesn't have an opening for kindergarten.
Check with a local public school and speak with either a teacher or principle. The entire curriculum for public schools should be available to the public or at least the parents who have their children enrolled in the school.
To become a kindergarten teacher, you typically need to take courses in early childhood education, child development, teaching methods, and classroom management. Additionally, you may need to complete a supervised teaching internship or practicum in a kindergarten setting. It's important to check the specific requirements of the school or program you are interested in to ensure you meet all necessary qualifications.
in order to become a kindergarten teacher you must go to uni for 4 years which will consists of however many classes a week of theory and then 120 hours of piratical which you go out to a kindergarten/childcare centre to have the experience and then when you graduate you should be graduating with a bachelor of education and certificate 3 in early childhood eucation and care. the original answer was unhelpful so i edited it for you.
A kindergarten student should know their ABC's, simple words (a, i, it, and, the), and basic addition and subtraction problems.
There is nothing wrong with staying around and watching your children at kindergarten to make sure they are doing well, especially first starting out at kindergarten. Teachers will also welcome the occasional helpful parent in the classroom. However, be aware that if you linger too much you will interfere with the classroom and your children's ability to focus on school and adapt to classroom life.
Piaget's stages of cognitive development suggest that children progress through distinct stages of learning and understanding. This implies that educators need to tailor their teaching methods to suit the specific stage of cognitive development that their students are in. Teachers should provide appropriate learning experiences that align with the cognitive abilities of their students to facilitate efficient learning and development.
When a child misbehaves in kindergarten, parents should communicate with the teacher to understand the behavior and work together on a consistent discipline approach at home and school. It's important to set clear expectations, provide positive reinforcement for good behavior, and address any underlying issues that may be causing the misbehavior.
Turning the tassel might be a little bit much for children that age.