If you really want the job then you need to evaluate the criteria for placement in the job. Take steps to remedy the aspects in which you are defficient and then try for the job again. Then keep trying. Perhaps consider going for other positions within the company that will allow you to move into the desired position later on (either through networking, or lateral transfer).
Of course being realistic about attaining the specific job is helpful as well. You know, life doesn't always work out they way you want it to, doesn't always go in the direction you desire, so perhaps consider seeking employment elsewhere.
Take a bit of time and contemplate your options. There are a million ways to live a life.
After a day at high school is finished, you can
After you graduate from high school you can:
this is why someone should stay in school....it is dropping out of high school...and NO a 19 year old should be done with high school, and NO 18 is the age of majority so one does not need to further their education (they should if they can not spell the word dropping......
what high school classes should be taken in high school to be a RN
Yeah! there should be grades in high school
hunter high school
If you Had no placement in the senior high school what should you do?
Whenever they want, I'm a junior in high school I haven't done it yet, why rush?
You should go try for G.E.D. which is high school equivalent
Neither. He is 22 and done with school.
Not if you are going to the same school. If you are a high school student you do need to enroll in classes, but that is usually done the last few weeks of the spring term in most high schools so you should have that done by now. Just show up with a happy smile the first day of school and make sure you are in the right room.
I put this question up and I didn't go up the way I planned. The last sentence should have been we were high school sweethearts!!
Manual Arts High School's motto is 'It Can Be Done'.
High School