Oceania is not a continent but a region of the Pacific Ocean. It includes several nations and their territories, such as:
There are five US states that are included in the Pacific region. They are California, Oregon, Hawaii, Washington, and Alaska.
There are five US states that are included in the Pacific region. They are California, Oregon, Hawaii, Washington, and Alaska.
the pacific north west
The states that touch the pacific and the parts of canada and mexico that touch the pacific
Alaska and Hawaii are part of the Pacific region of the United States. These states also include Oregon, Washington, and California.
hey everyone well its the Pacific states like california !! :) ♥
I believe that Arizona is located in the Pacific Southwest region of the United States
It is apart of the united states.
Alaska is part of the region of the US referred to as the Pacific States. The other states in this region are California, Oregon, Hawaii, and Washington.
it is Californa,Arizona,NewMexico& Texas
Wake, United States, Pacific Region.
Pacific Northwest