The ISBN of On a Pale Horse is 9780345309242.
On a Pale Horse has 325 pages.
The Pale Horse has 256 pages.
On a Pale Horse was created on 1983-10-12.
The Pale Horse was created on 1961-11-06.
Pale Horse Coming was created in 2001.
Pale Horse Coming has 608 pages.
It looks to be a pale horse...You look pale.
Behold a Pale Horse - film - was created in 1964.
The duration of Behold a Pale Horse - film - is 1.97 hours.
The ISBN of Pale Horse Coming is 0-684-86361-8.
Revelation 6:8 - 'So I looked and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him.' The pale horse evokes more fear than all the others combined. It is the rider of the pale horse that breaks the 5th seal and the saints cry out for revenge for their deaths against their persecutor.