The Greek word for "That Is Funny" is "αυτό είναι αστείο".
A Greek term for a funny play is a comedy and is said in Greek as komodia. The word comedy is said in Latin as comoedia.
astios is the greek word for funny in greek writing : αστείος
Greek mythology derives from legends and stories. There is not a Greek word for a lightning bolt. Electricity was nothing to Greeks during their time.
Because of his friendly personality everyone enjoyed hearing my uncle's funny stories.
teller means "counter" as in one who counts
The English word "mythology" (stories of gods, goddesses, and legends) is derived from Greek mythos (legend) and logos (account).
The native language in Naftemporiki is Greek. The funny thing is, if you had asked me about this word before, I would've thought you made it up! Greek is the answer though!
i think they are called fables -a lot written by a greek dude by the name of esop(not sure of the spelling sorry)
That answer is completely unknown, as the first stories were told by word of mouth.
The Yiddish word for funny is "קומיש."