"Jai" does not have a consistent or universal meaning across all languages. In Hindi, it can mean victory or success. In Thai, it can mean heart or mind. In French, it can be a masculine given name.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Words and phrases, when correctly translated, mean the same thing in all languages.
Pretty much all of the words in the English language were derived from European languages.