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Q: What year was the national ffa alumni found?
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When was the National FFA Alumni established?

The National FFA Alumni was founded in 1971.

National support group for FFA founded in 1944?

The FFA was founded in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri.

What year was Leslie applegate the first ffa national president?

Leslie Applegate was the National FFA President in 1928-29

What is the FFA National quote for this year?

If you are referring to the theme that is used for FFA Week and convention - it is Lead Out Loud.

What year did the FFA start publishing the official FFA magazine?

The National Future Farmer

What year was the national FFA foundation formed?

It was established in 1944

What year did the National FFA foundation form?

It was established in 1944 =]

What year was ffa in kansas city found?


What year did President Nixon address the national ffa convention?


What are the four degrees one can achieve in the FFA?

Active, Collegiate, Alumni, and Honorary

Who is the current national FFA?

Levy Randolph is the National FFA president.

What is the official FFA magazine called?

The FFA magazine is called "FFA New Horizons."