

When should kids start dating?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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Kids shouldn't date in the first place. Teens can start if they life someone around the age of 14-15, but that doesn't mean they have to.

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12y ago
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11y ago

In middle school, children begin to go through puberty, and begin to develop sexual interests.

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What age should kids be able to start dating?

I think kids should be able to start dating when they want to.

How old should kids start dating?

Depends on how mature the kid is. But I would say 12. :)

When should children start dating?

most kids are in 5th grade and date but my choice is to allow them to start at middle school ages

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They should but who knows when! ):

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Sometimes before that.

What age would you start dating a person?

I say that u should start dating in 6th grade but nothing like kissing & crap.

When should girls start dating?

There is no real answer to this, it will be each persons opinion. I didn't start dating until I was 16 as I was not allowed. I believe that it should be once your mature enough to make such a decision. I think girls should start dating whenever they want to. But just be smart about it. ^^

At what age should christians kids start dating?

12 ussually when kids start getting this dating bug . at 12 and a half they should start dating,if they really like the guy not just to date ,and say i have a boyfriend ,if not because they really like them.they shouldn't kiss intill there 5 days at least. at that age they should only talk 3 hours maximun on weekdays. 4hour maxinun on weekends. text only 20 messages daily. not go alone on dates. no sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you are a parrent .put on this rule.normals rules for a christians kids about dating. GOOD LUCK..SPEACIALLY FOR DADS IF YOU HAVE A GOUGHTER LET THEM FALLOW THIS.MAYBE THEY REALLY LIKE THIS GOOD GUY.