CAT went online in 2009 and the exam dates pattern also followed a different trend. The exam was held from November 28th to December 7th. You could also choose a day and a shift from the given dates to take the exam.
does Rafas, Deo M. Passed the PNPA-CAT entrance exam For October 2009? pls answer po. thank you.
by any senior who has given the exam
The Indian Institute of Management (IIM) will conduct Common Admission Test (CAT) 2009 during Saturday 28th November, 2009 to Monday 7 December
The 2009 result of ESI entrance exam at Delhi is based on a number of things. The results is based on scoring in a number of written exams that are given.
Both NCST and CAT have great value and preferred in the industry. However, the CAT exam is considered the toughest exam.
exam centers list in pune for HSC 2009 exam
If it is the CAT Exam in India that is for admissions into IIM's you are talking about,then is no upper cap on the no of attempts.
when are SSC Exam 2009 result will come out?
the exam is from 4th may 2009 to 25th may 2009
is hsc exam time table available of science 2009 is hsc exam time table available of science 2009 is hsc exam time table available of science 2009
How can I FindDegree_entrance_exam_results_of_BR_Ambedkar_Open_University_2009Please follow the link given below BR Ambedkar Open University 2009 @