Schools that are sponsored by the Catholic church are referred to as Catholic schools.
It is like a promotional week for all catholic schools and to celebrate all the catholic schools.
Catholic schools week is important because its helps us understand the importance of Catholic schools education,skills, and to represent the learning skills a child or children can learn from Catholic school.
There are millions of Catholics in the UK and many of them want to be able to go to Catholic schools, so naturally there is a lot of Catholic schools in the UK.
The first Catholic Schools week was in 1974.
Catholic schools are not always built on hills, the Catholic school that I go to is not built on a hill.
I can not speak for all the different Catholic schools but many teachers in Catholic schools earn about half that of a teacher in public schools in the same area.
The National Catholic Educational Assocation speaks of Catholic Schools Week, see link below.
When it comes to declaring a snow day, Catholic schools generally follow the lead of public schools in the area. If the public schools declare a snow day, Catholic schools will generally follow suit.
More people attend public schools. Many can not afford the tuition for catholic schools or do not want their children taught in the catholic faith because of other religious beliefs.
Catholic schools are not a monolithic structure. There are Catholic schools run by individual parishes, there are Catholic schools run by dioceses, there are Catholic schools run by religious Orders, each of them is governed differently. Most Catholic schools in one diocese are directly under the Bishop in one way or another, and there are some Bishops who have signed onto the Common Core Curriculum, there are others who are very much opposed to it, you would need to check with your local Catholic school to see where they stand on this issue.
Catholic schools are schools that pay reference to God in school, whereas reference to God would be considered offensive to non catholic students in a public school. Catholic schools usually enforce a uniform policy and have higher standards than public schools.