From Fort Worth TX : Auburn AL 688mi, 1329mi to Auburn NY, Auburn WA 1647, 1393mi to Auburn CA, and Auburn ME 1653
The Auburn University mascot is the Barnyard Turkey.
It is on 502 29th Street Auburn WA, 98002 hading away from the Auburn Game Farm park.
The address of the Neely Mansion is: 12303 Se Auburn Black Diamond, Auburn, WA 98002
90 miles taking this route:Follow signs to I-5 SOUTH, from La Conner.Once you are on I-5 SOUTH, take I-5 SOUTH to RENTON and BELLEVUE at EXIT 182.Take I-405 SOUTH, around Seattle, to WA-167 SOUTH to AUBURN at EXIT 2A.Take WA-167 SOUTH to AUBURN.
The address of the Auburn Free Public Library is: 369 Southbridge St., Auburn, 01501 2441
There are about 130.708 miles between Auburn, WA and Maryhill State Park.
about 4 hours.
The phone number of the Auburn Free Public Library is: 508-832-7790.
The distance between Auburn, WA, and North Bend, WA, is approximately 50 miles when driving by car using I-90 E. The exact distance may vary depending on the specific route taken.
Free Will Baptist Church of Auburn was created in 1839.