If you are interested in purchasing a Magic School Bus DVD, then you will find several websites available. Walmart, Target, and eBay are just a few of the retailers that offer Magic School Bus DVD.
magic school bus
School Bus Chrome National School Bus Yellow either one
Research has shown that there are a large number of Elf Magic videos available for viewing on the YouTube website. One can also view these videos on the Vimeo website.
One can learn magic tricks from books, videos, and online sites that teach this artistry. One site to learn magic tricks from is a site that is simply called "Learn Magic Tricks."
One can watch magic illusions at several different places. Las Vegas always has a nice variety of magic shows, and the online site "YouTube" has many videos of magic.
My School doesn't have a school bus or a walking one we get drove or we walk or ride I sometimes ride or walk I get to choose however our school does have a bus that we go on for filed trips and going of to sport to vs other schools and the brand of that bus is a MercedesBenz
Coordinate everyone on your bus to get driven to school one day so that the bus driver has an empty bus.
In the United States, I believe no one can stand while a bus is in motion, especially a school Bus. Depends on the state you are in.
it is one of his music videos
Yes. All CMVs (which a school bus is treated as) must have at least one functioning horn.
While there are many video repositories on the internet, but the obvious choice is Youtube. Youtube has millions of videos, and if one were to search "school pranks", they would easily find hundreds of related videos.