George Brett's rookie card is valued the most at $50.00-$100.00. The value will go up when George Brett dies.
George Brett's birth name is George Howard Brett.
Toronto Blue Jays third baseman Brett Lawrie did not go to college. He was drafted out of high school in 2008 by the Milwaukee Brewers.
Brett Gardner is 5'10''.
George Brett was born on May 15, 1953.
George Brett was born on May 15, 1953.
George Edward Brett was born in 1829.
His name is actually spelled Brett Whiteley, but he went to boarding school at Scots College, Bathurst.
College of Philadelphia
Actually, George Harrison didn't go to college.
George Wendell Brett was born on 1912-05-30.
George Wendell Brett died on 2005-01-14.