The phone number of the Hill Jr. College District is: 254-582-2555.
The address of the Hillsboro Heritage League Inc is: Pob 2, Hillsboro, TX 76645-0002
The area of Texas Technological College Historic District is 445,154.20646400005 square meters.
The address of the Hill County Genealogical Society is: Po Box 636, Hillsboro, TX 76645-0636
Texas A&M is located at College Station. The community is right next to Bryan.
It would take about 41 minutes on average to drive from Hillsboro, Texas to Waco, Texas. The distance is approximately 33.8 miles.
Western Texas College is located in Snyder, Texas.
Texas College is located in Tyler, Texas at 2404 North Grand Avenue.
The address of the Hill County Museum Incorporated is: Po Box 555, Hillsboro, TX 76645
It is 213 miles according to Google Maps.
Texas A&M
College Station Texas