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Detrivores are the organisms break down and feed on deed organic matter. the can be found in the second trophic level, along with herbivores.

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Q: Which trophic level would you find detritivores?
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At the trophic level would you expect to find these organisms?

Without specific organisms provided, it is difficult to determine their trophic level. However, plants are typically found at the primary producer level (first trophic level), herbivores at the primary consumer level (second trophic level), carnivores at the secondary or tertiary consumer levels, and decomposers at the final trophic level.

In what trophic level of an energy pyramid will you find the highest amount of toxins accumulate?

in the third level consumer because the toxins had been transferred to it

What is called when each step in a food chain or web?

the steps are known as trophic levels as move down the levels energy from the organisms tends to be lost to the environment

What detritivores live in grasslands?

Detritivores are animals that are known to live on decomposing plants and animals. These animals include millipedes, dung flies, earthworms, fiddler crabs, common blue butterflies, and others. Detritivores that you will find living in grasslands include dung beetles, maggots, earthworms, butterflies, maggots, and others such as these.

What quality does a pyramid of biomass express?

A pyramid of biomass expresses the amount of living organic matter present at each trophic level within an ecosystem. It shows the relative distribution of biomass among different trophic levels, with producers at the base and top consumers at the apex. It highlights the energy transfer efficiency within the ecosystem.

Why do wolves and lions occupy the same trophic level?

wolves and lions are at the same trophic level because why?

What does a caecilian eat?

There is some debate over whether Caecilians are in fact detritivores or carnivores. If they are detritivores then they eat detritus that they find in the soil. Most evidence of Caecilian feeding patterns seems to point to the conclusion that they are in fact carnivores who feed on insects (especially termites) and earthworms.

What would happen to the rest of the trophic levels if one of them wiped out?

Either extinction of several species or over population. For instance if the trophic level of grasses and small plants died out, then there would be exinction of all species that rely on that source (soley or in majority) as food. If an upper trophic level such as large carnivors died out then you would see an over population of the animals that the large carnivor ate as a majority of its diet.

In which level of taxonomy would you find organisms that can interbreed?

Organisms that can interbreed are found at the species level.

On which level of the rainforest would you find the largest animals?

in my eyes

What would be located at the bottom of an energy pyramid found in the ocean?

At the bottom of an ocean energy pyramid, you would typically find phytoplankton or algae, which are the primary producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. These organisms form the base of the marine food chain, providing energy to the rest of the ecosystem.

Why do energy pyramids have 5 levels?

Energy pyramids have five levels to represent the diminishing amount of energy available as it passes from one trophic level to the next in an ecosystem. Each level represents a different trophic level - producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and decomposers. This structure helps illustrate the flow of energy through the ecosystem and the dynamics of energy transfer.