For over sixty years the Diamondback Terrapin, named Testudo has been the official mascot for the University of Maryland. While the origin of the terrapin is no mystery the name of Testudo is a mystery.
Quote from the Related Link: "Testudo is a Diamondback turtle."
the mascot of the university of indiana is the greyhounds
The mascot of Biola University is the eagle.
Oxford University does not have a mascot.
The mascot for Ohio University is a bobcat, he is known by his name which is Rufus.
The mascot of Biola University is the eagle.
The University of Indianapolis mascot is the greyhound.
There is no university of Antarctica and thus, no mascot.
The mascot for the University of Cincinnati is the Bearcat.
A Bulldog is the mascot of Fisk University.
The sports mascot of Boston University is the Boston Terrier.
The Claflin University mascot is a black panther.