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I don't know why at the molecular/physical/chemical/etc level, but I do know that when using warm or hot water in a shower; the water evaporates into a gaseous state known as water vapor. It rises, and then I think it cools & or sticks together into large clumps until becoming a solid cloud like in nature. Then it sticks to the surface of mirrors, etc. Certain liquids/gases/solids/etc like to cling to certain types of surfaces.

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because the steam or water vapour changes back to water when it hits acold surface

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Q: Why condensation happens in bathroom?
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Why does condensation occur on the window of a bathroom only during winters?

this happens because during winter the air gets cool and the humidity in the air (amount of water vapor in the air)condenses (water vapor turns back to water) as we know that the process of condensation happens when the temperature is cool,and the temperature is warm then evaporation happens.

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Absolutely! Any electronic device can be harmed by condensation. If your bathroom is fairly small and does not have good ventilation it may not be a good idea to have a plasma in there.

What causes sweaty bathroom walls?

Sweaty bathroom walls are caused by water condensation. The water that you use in the shower is usually much warmer than the air in the bathroom, which will cause condensation on the walls, especially in small and/or poorly ventilated bathrooms.

Why does a bathroom become fogged while you take a shower?

because of condensation

What causes moisture to form in bathroom exhaust vents?

Heat and condensation

How would you get rid of condensation in a bathroom with no windows?

You could get an extractor fan fitted, i have this in my windowless bathroom and it goes out to an external wall.

How do you write a sentence with condensation?

Condensation forms on the windows when the cold glass meets warm, moist air.

Would a larger mirror in the bathroom produce more condensation?

Yes, a larger mirror in the bathroom may produce more condensation as it has a greater surface area for moisture from showers and steam to accumulate on. Additionally, a lack of ventilation and air circulation can also contribute to increased condensation on mirrors.

Why does the mirror in the bathroom has drops of water after taking a hot shower?

It is called condensation.

What is a sentence that uses the word condensation?

After taking a hot shower, condensation formed on the bathroom mirror, making it difficult to see my reflection.

How do you get condensation from a shower?

To get condensation from a shower, the warm, moisture-laden air from the shower comes into contact with cooler surfaces (like mirrors, tiles, or walls) in the bathroom, causing the water vapor to condense and form droplets of water. This process happens because the cool surfaces can't hold as much moisture as the warm air, leading to condensation.

What is the Black worm like insects in bathroom?

think its because of water and lack of condensation