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usc has the best sports athletics and has the best school in the entire world

EDIT(This information is incorrect this information contains a editorial from guyism ranking it the 2nd best not for academic reasons, for the sake it is located in LA, with "Beautiful girls, gorgeous LA weather" thus it is the second best simply because it is in LA)

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13y ago
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14y ago

well. college athletic programs help pull in revenue for the college, from items such as t-shirts and hats. it also helps students learn cooperation and pride. it also helps with grades because if you join sports you're putting time into it and you are more likely to put more time into your work

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Q: Why do college athletic programs benefit their educational institution?
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Do athletic programs benefit educational institutions?


Do college athletics programs benefit their educational instructions?

yes they do because more people get props from playing sports than they do anything

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Do college athletics programs benefit educational institutions?

yes, because if the school has good teams students are more interested in going to that school. creating more students brings more tuition to help the school.

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