Mittwoch = Wednesday
Mittwoch is Wednesday. Literally "mid-week."
Schönes Mittwoch?
Mittwoch ( mid-week) is the German for Wednesday
Was hast du am Mittwoch = What do you have on WednesdayWas hast du am Mittwoch vor = what are you doing Wednesday
French: Mercredi Spanish: Miércoles Italian: Mercoledì German: Mittwoch Japanese: 水曜日 (Suiyoubi)
Mittwoch aus Licht was created in 1997.
glücklich buckeltag is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.
If you are asking about the days of the week, they are:Monday -- Montag (mohn-tahg)Tuesday -- Dienstag (deens-tahg)Wednesday -- Mittwoch (mitt-voh) [pronounce the "h" at the end as a separate letter]Thursday -- Donnerstag (donners-tahg)Friday -- Freitag (fry-tahg)Saturday -- Samstag (sahms-tahg)Sunday -- Sonntag (zone-tahg)
The cast of Jeden Mittwoch - 1982 includes: Herbert Herrmann as Cass Liselotte Pulver as Dorothy