The hair is actually there for the area not to get too warm which would invite bacterias such as yeast infections and urinal infections. It's like a AC. That's why women shouldn't remove everything. Someone below wrote that it was for keeping the reproductive organs warm but they already inside our body for that.
Women do not have hair on their vaginas. The hair is strategically placed around the vagina. Don't be afraid to do your research.
Some research suggests (again, do your own research) that the hair is to keep that portion of the anatomy warm, which is directly related to the need for the reproductive organs to remain a certain temperature for viability.
This question is almost absurd, so I only added enough to answer the question at a third-grade level, which appears to be the average of intelligence on this site.
You don't have to be so mean, there are a lot of questinos on this site that probably most adults couldn't answer including you
philipino women have round and shortest vaginas
yes.. that's way they are gay..
Yes, naturally during puberty women grow pubic hair in a few places, one being their vagina...many women choose to shave or wax it off, yet many women leave it natural and prefer it that way...pubic hair also protects the vagina from bacteria.
Their Vaginas,because it gives them more pleasure then their anus.
Up to 20% of pregnant women carry GBS in their vaginas during the last trimester, with the potential of infecting the fetus during birth.
Women have boobs and nice butts most of the time and they have vaginas and men have penises
Well, there's a secret switch inside their vaginas and you turn it on with your penis
Its is strange but true, a rare condition where a child is born with two vagina's or uterus. 27 year old Australian, Hazel Jones, was born with double vaginas, cervixes and uteruses.
because we have to wash our vaginas its like a jungal up there.
Yes i think so cuz they r sexy and beautiful
No, the color of a person's genitals does not vary based on their race. Vaginas come in various shades of pink or brown, but not purple. Skin color and genital color are not directly related.
No, they don't, The vagina had hair on it long before the razor was invented, This indicates that it works just as well as without hair on it. some men think it is a turn on when it is bald, and they are often shaved in pornographic presentations for clearer visibility both.