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He may just enjoy your friendship and cares for you in which he enjoys taking care of you which is a good and true friend. He also may not be ready for any type of commitment as well.

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Q: Why does he do everything for you and says he don't love you?
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What do you do when your boyfriend says he loves you?

it depends he probably doesn't know what love is you know how many men say i love you cheat on you and still say they love you..don't believe everything he says if his actions dont add up then he doesn't love you ( actions speak louder than words)

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dont waste your time with someone who says they dont "think" they love you anymore.

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I'm guessing if he said "like" then he means "like" not "love"

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take deep breaths and count to 10 dont just blank out everything around but still listen if he says anything and dont count out loud the person would think you weird

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Falling in love means you are comfortable with this person, and love everything about this person. Love IS possible, no matter what ANYONE says.

When you know Everything about someone and still love them that is real love?

yes!:) because if you know pretty much everything about them and you like dont care if he/ she is ugly or pretty you wanna be with them . and you dont care what people think!:) <3

How does the language of Romeo and Juliet first meet tell us they are alredy deeply in love?

i dont know everything i guess i dont know everything i guess

What to say when someone says they love you but you dont love them back?

Just tell them you are sorry but you do not feel that way about them.

Why do you not get love returned?

hi if you dont get love back you have to fight for what you love just dont fight so hard becouse then youll loose everything you had or have with that person </3 just follow your heart dont follow the person you like.

What do you do if someone says that they love you?

if you feel the same way "i love you too" :P and if you dont just smile at them and say "i know"

What do you do if he says he really likes you but doesn't love you?

Well just do stuff that he likes and be more lovable around him until he says he loves you (but dont keep asking him "do you love me"). Just hang in there and someday he will say "i love you" !!!

Why do you really love a girl?

Cause she is everything u possibly need!!! But dont brake her heart!!!