because it is unprofessional and is very stupid thing to do unless it is for a special occasion.
if you dont want footie pajamas, then dont wear them. anything else is good *Candycat*
They should be compulsory Answer2: why would there be a uniform if you dont have to wear it ? nobody likes school uniform any way trust the people who wear them why any one would choses to wear unifom i dont know teachers dont wear it why should the children??
Only on Pajama Day
Many men do wear pajamas.
no tthey dont have too wear uniforms they can dress elegantly
Prison pajamas are pajamas you wear in prison. (striped clothes)
Well kids from ages 3-7 can wear pajamas with feet. Ages 7-10 can wear pajamas that you find at target etc. Ages 10-16 can wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or tank top. Personality I like the Ages 10-16 the best because its so comfy. Dont forget the bath robe and slippers! Hope this helps.
If you have a school dress code, and are on school property - yes.
If they want to wear one they can as long as it's not visable.
Teachers are professionals who are expected to dress appropriately for their role. Wearing a school uniform might not be necessary as it could restrict their choice of clothing and not necessarily impact their ability to teach effectively. Additionally, school uniforms are typically associated with students, not teachers.
Errm, buy some pj's xx
Cows do not wear pajamas.