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Q: Why is glucose given to a sports men?
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Why is glucose given to sports person?

to replace lost energy also for energy before training

After surgery what glucose solution would be given intravenously?

you will be given glucose you will be given glucose

How has women's college sports has changed since Title IX?

its given women the opportunity to compete in sports and be considered somewhat equal to men

Choose a sports beverage that?

Contains glucose, sucrose, or glucose polymers

Why are men sports more supported than woman sports?

because men think that men are better at sports when in realility they are just as good

Till when does the patient need to be given glucose?

The patient has to be given glucose till he/she is allowed to have food on their own . Till he gets sufficient energy of natural glucose.

What do ingredients do sports drink contain?

glucose, caffiene & phenylamine

Who has gone pro in the most sports?

Out of men and women, men have gone pro in the most sports.

Till when does a patient need to be given a glucose?

Glucose drip should be given to the patient till normal blood glucose level is restored, the patient is able to do movement properly and he or she should be encouraged to eat food which give instant energy. Even after taking glucose intravenously, glucose level may go down if proper diet is not maintained

Why is glucose given to sportsmans?

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Do Americans watch men sports than womens?

I would say generally so because men's sports are covered more by the press and other forms of media. People always talk about men's sports more than women's sports, and sponsors usually pick men's sports to get more people to see them

Are male sports or women sports viewed more?
