It's illegal in only about 7 states because the dead body can not give consent to the sex. Besides being illegal it's immoral and very unsanitary. There are a bunch of diseases that dead bodies carry.
Necrophilia is illegal no matter what.
Porn that is illegal in the UK under the sexual offences act 2003 is pedofila porn that is illegal in the UK under the Crimminal justice and imigration act 2008 s63(7) is necrophilia, beastiality and torture. in short scat is NOT illegal in the United Kingdom
That behavior is referred to as necrophilia, which is a paraphilic interest in corpses. It is considered a mental disorder and is illegal in many countries due to ethical and legal concerns.
you have relations with a corpse!?!?!?!
lover dies
Death sentence
There are many places where one can find Beastial Necrophilia lyrics online. One can find Beastial Necrophilia lyrics online at popular on the web sources such as A to Z Lyrics and Metro Lyrics.
It is the sexual obsession with dead bodies; necrophilia.