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Q: Why should i be chosen for university?
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they should be chosen when ripe and fresh.

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Why is Israel the chosen?

Your question should be for what are the Children of Israel chosen for.

Why do you decide to attend your university?

Well, your question should be better formulated. Are you currently attending an University, or are your intention to enter in one of them ? For correct answer questions must be clear. Let's consider that you are already attending an University and is somewhat indecisive on continuing on it or want to get out of it. My advise is if you has chosen to follow a determined course, difficulties exist and you should try to overcome them and go ahead anyway.

What degree do you need to get to be able to teach at university level?

a minimum of a doctorate in the chosen subject.

What classes do you need to earn a bachelors?

Depends on what you are getting your bachelors in. There are always the basic core classes, but the other will vary according to your chosen field. Each university should have them all listed out on their website.

Why were Aristotle's teachings banned from Oxford university?

when they could have chosen to study at the University of Oxford, ... The banned propositions ... the theologians desired to condemn Aristotle's teachings on the ...

When saying The university thanks you should university be capitalized?

Yes, in this context "university" should be capitalized because it is being used as part of the formal title of an institution.

Who said a government should be chosen by its citizens?

Enlightenment thinkersElightement Thinkers Enlightenment thinkers said that a government should be chosen by its citizens. This is a person's opinion.

Who said government should be chosen by its citizen?

Enlightenment thinkersElightement Thinkers Enlightenment thinkers said that a government should be chosen by its citizens. This is a person's opinion.

Can you transfer your credits from the University of Phoenix to San Diego State University for an MBA?

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

Why should people have chosen to be Patriots?

If they would've chosen to be Loyalists, they would've gotten tortured and probably killed.