Because apparently teachers decide its good to challenge their students.
Teachers should treat students in the same manner as they would expect students to treat them.
Because it is a distraction to teachers and students in the class.
A teachers role in a students life is to be a positive role model. They should encourage students and help them to set goals and achieve them.
so they can test what students know and what teachers teach well enough. the teachers of America are good for teaching students how to prepare for Starr.
Teachers should provide students with resume samples because these samples can be very helpful for students who are just starting out and haven't yet figured out to form a good resume.
yes it should
The teachers needs to ensure that students are learning as they should be and also identify which students need extra help or instruction.
The teachers can be trusted.
This is a sad question. Teachers should never be scared of students, and the only way in which students should be scared of teachers is being scared they will make a bad grade!Teachers nowadays are scared of violent students, because children and teens are not in control of their emotions and do stupid things before they think about them.