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yo penso que tu sei un gran pirlone yo penso que tu sei un gran pirlone

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Q: Why was pilgrimage important?
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What were the important pilgrimage routes in Britain and Europe?

the most important places to pilgrimage is Spain Italy Germany and Greece

Is Saint Peter's Basilica a place of pilgrimage?

Yes, it is an important Catholic place of pilgrimage.

Why is pilgrimage important to believers?

cuz its fun

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Important pilgrimages route Britain Europe?

Canterbury was a pilgrimage destination in England. There were also pilgrimage routes leading across France into Spain to the pilgrimage sites of Montserrat and Compostela.

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Were is the Hindus pilgrimage?

The Ganges River is a common place for Hindus to go on a pilgrimage.

What was something very important in Mali in the time period 1312 to 1337?

mansa musa's pilgrimage to mecca (hajj) mansa musa's pilgrimage to mecca (hajj)

What is interesting about pilgrimage?

pilgrimage is important to religious people, because they go there to look at places or things to do with their religion. For example, a christian might go on a pilgrimage to Bethlehem, to see where Jesus was born, and walk where Joseph and Mary mayhave walked.

Why was a pilgrimage important?

A pilgrimage was important for spiritual growth and religious devotion. It provided an opportunity for reflection, repentance, and a deeper connection to one's faith and God. Additionally, it offered a sense of community and shared experience with other pilgrims.

why pilgrimage is considered as non-fiction instead of biography?

A pilgrimage is a journey religious people take to a holy place or a place of religious significance. Pilgrimage can be a physical journey but it can also represent an individual’s journey of faith. For Catholics, pilgrimage to Rome can be very important as this is the centre of their faith. Catholics may also visit sites linked to famous or important saints to help them connect with their faith’s history.

What is the most important thing to do on a pilgrimage?

Pilgrimage itself is a very important belief of a Muslim. It is one of our pillars of ISLAM. our intentions means alot. some people perform umrah before hajj. that is not necessary but contributes to good deeds.