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silk was so popular because only the richest of people could afford it in ancient China.

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Q: Why was silk so popular?
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Why is silk worm popular in Japan?

A lot of silk is produced in Japan, which is why silk worms are so popular there.

Why is silk so popular?

Silk is popular because it is soft and keeps the heat in when you wear it

Why are silk clothes popular?

Silk garments/clothes drape around perfectly and it keeps the body warm. The texture of a silk fabric is smooth and is like our skin. Silk garments give us a luxurious feeling when worn so it is quite popular.

Why was silk popular in china?

the silk worm is from China, therefore, people figured out how to used the silk they produced to make clothing

What properties does silk have that make it so popular?

Silk is a durable fabric and has strong thread! it also keeps heat in where it is needed. it is a very flattering piece of clothing and the creases drop right out.

What is the difference between wild silk and cultivated silk?

Wild silk is Harder to dye and differs in texture and color making it less uniform cultivated silk is more popular.

Who made silk popular in Karnataka?

tipu sultan

Who made silk popular in andhra?

tipu sultan

Why silk obtained by mulberry silk moth most popular?

The Bombyx mori silkmoth's cocoon is the most predictably produced source of silk fibre as a standard. Its size, quality, and tensel strength is predictable given the complete domestsication of this animal.Economically, then, this animal's cocoon is the most popular source of commercial silk.

Uses of silk?

Silk is an expansive luxurious fabric, popular since ancient times. Like any fabric, silk can be used to make clothe, draperies, beddings...and such.

Where in the world does silk come from?

it comes from a silk worm that are in china. So, silk comes from china :)

Why was the silk road given its name?

It was a path to get silk. It was just for trading. So it was a road to get silk.