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Q: Why was test tube 1T necessary?
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Which color blood tube to use in an albumin test?

For an albumin test, the recommended blood tube is a red-top tube or a serum separator tube (SST) as it does not contain any anticoagulant, which is necessary for the accurate measurement of albumin levels.

Why is it necessary to heat a test tube in order for a chemical reaction to occur?

i dont know either...

What you must do to inspect the drink tube assembly?

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What color tube for chem 7?

The Chem 7 test is collected in a red-top tube. This tube contains no anticoagulant and allows for the blood sample to clot, which is necessary for obtaining serum for testing.

What is used for holding a test tube in place when the tube is hot or should not be touched?

A test tube holder, also known as test tube clamp or test tube rack, is used to hold a test tube in place when the tube is hot or should not be touched. It allows safe handling of test tubes during heating or when conducting chemical reactions.

What is the source of error when using a test tube?

A test tube (or sample tube) has no errors.

What is used to grip test tube?

Test tube holder

What is a test tube clamp used for?

Clamping a test tube

What is test tube stand used for?

to hold the test tube

What is the quotient for -5 1t-8?

What is 8% of 1t?

What is Hard test tube?

a hard glass test tube is a test tube made out of glass that is almost impossible to break.

What can a test tube be held upright with?

A test tube can be held upright using a test tube rack, a test tube holder, or a clamp attached to a stand. These tools provide stability and prevent the test tube from tipping over during experiments.