It literally translates to: I have 25 years or I am 25 years old But you wrote anos not años. With anos, it says: I have 25 butt holes. No joke. So make sure your punctuation is correct or you could screw up big time. Like sí means yes and si means if. Hope this helps. ( : >)
TENGO SIETE AÑOS."I am seven years old" in Spanish is "Yo tengo siete anos." ¡POBRE DE ESTE NIÑO QUE ASÍ ESTUVIERE!ANO--- ANUSAÑO--- YEAR
i have no idea and iam goin 2 Spain ???????????
yo tengo ....... anos.
yo tengo 16 anos
That means that you are eight years old.
if you mean reply you would say : Yo tengo # anos.
"Yo tengo dieciocho años" means "I am eighteen years old" in Spanish.
I am 5 years old.
yo tengo uno anos literally translated into "I have 1 years"
you respond saying,"yo tengo blah blah blah,pinche pendejo.
It's not clear which language you want the complete phrase in. English: I am 36 years old. Spanish: Yo tengo 36 años.
Yo tengo quince anos. Literally translated, "I have 15 years". Usually "How old are you?" is asked as follows: "Quantos anos tienes?" (How many years have you?)