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I would say not good, NSU is somewhat competitive and a 2.25 is a pretty bad GPA. A monster year is required or something else (athletics) will need to get that person in

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Q: You have had bad grades all through out high school im in your junior year and your GPA is 2.25 what are your chances of getting accepted into NSU?
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It depends on your academic record. Most Ivy league schools have pretty low acceptance rates. Most of the time top ranking students get admitted. My best advice is to just continue to try to get good grades and SAT Scores and who knows maybe you get it.

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Being bilingual does not greatly increase your chances of getting into an Ivy League University. Good grades, who you know, your SAT scores and community involvement will come first. Being bilingual shows that you are a well rounded person.

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Study, study, study. Especially if you get good grades, your chances of getting a good salary in a few years will improve.

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The chances of being a teacher depends on your childhood, middle school and high school grades. If you get good grades, and if you want to be a teacher, there's a good chance you will become a teacher. If you get bad grades, you will be working as a garbage man, so do good in school.

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Will USC accepted you if you get a 2.5 GPA?

No, they won't. Gotta improve your grades, buster!