simple sentence with the main idea.
The main idea in a sentence may be determined by analyzing the individual subject, verb, and object. Getting the main idea is often achieved by analyzing the different key words as well.
A periodic sentence has the main idea at the end of the sentence ("withheld") and a loose one has the main idea of the sentence (subject or predicate or both) at the beginning. A balanced sentence has main ideas at both the beginning and end, often in a compound or complex construction of clauses.
you should study more.
Throught the Paragrapg
i don't know t5he answer my self ...
One effective way to organize and present ideas in a paragraph is to begin with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Then, provide supporting details and examples that elaborate on the main idea. Finally, end the paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes the key points and reinforces the main idea.
One sentence that helps to give additional evidence of a claim or main idea is "Furthermore, studies have shown a strong correlation between regular exercise and improved mental health."
They provide one extended example of the main point introduced in the topic sentence.
I'm trying to find an answer to this question as well, but this is what I have come up with:Notice text features (title, bold print, capitalized words, etc.)Read the text.Find the topic sentence. (Or Find the key words in the topic sentence).I hope that helps, but I am also looking for this so I can teach my students a 3 step way of thinking about the main idea.
A topic is what the story is about. For example, the topic is on animal life The main idea is one sentence in the story telling what the story is about. For example, the topic is the movie 'Atonement'.The main idea of 'Atonement', for example, could be 'the need to make up for your wrongs' .
Use your topic sentence as the main idea of your outline and use the details from the supporting sentences.