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It depends, but I will give you my personal experience to give you an idea. I go to the Ohio State University (Fisher College of Business), and we're on a quarter system here. I've been taking about 15 credits per quarter since my freshman year, and I should be done by spring of my senior I would think the typical length is probably 4 years. This is for a bachelor's degree. I plan on taking the CPA exam, which from what I understand, if you pass the first try, then you can be licensed. But if not, then you have to go back for another year of school ("Masters in Accounting") in order to attempt the exam again....after that you can try as many times as you need to pass....however I do know of a few people who have completed their bachelor's in accounting in 3 years...I guess it just depends on how ambitious you are!

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To become an accountant, it typically takes four years to earn a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field. Some Accountants also pursue a master's degree, which can take an additional 1-2 years. Additionally, obtaining a professional certification such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) may require passing an exam and meeting experience requirements.

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Q: How long does it take to become an accountant?
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How long does it take to become an bank accountant?

Becoming a bank accountant typically requires a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field, which typically takes about four years to complete. Additionally, obtaining professional certifications such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation may require additional study and exam preparation. Overall, the process can take around 4-6 years depending on individual circumstances.

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To become a kindergarten teacher, you typically need to take courses in early childhood education, child development, teaching methods, and classroom management. Additionally, you may need to complete a supervised teaching internship or practicum in a kindergarten setting. It's important to check the specific requirements of the school or program you are interested in to ensure you meet all necessary qualifications.

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To become a Lactation Consultant, you typically need to complete specialized training and education in lactation consultancy, such as a lactation consultant certificate program. After completing the required coursework and clinical experience, you can take a certification exam through organizations like the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) to become a certified lactation consultant. Continuing education and maintaining certification are also important for this career.

How long does it take to become a second grade teacher?

Becoming a second grade teacher typically requires a bachelor's degree in education or a related field, which takes around 4 years to complete. In addition, you will need to complete a teacher preparation program and obtain a teaching license, which can take an additional 1-2 years. Overall, it can take around 5-6 years to become a certified second grade teacher.

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Becoming a psychologist typically requires completing a doctoral program, which can take around 5-7 years after obtaining a bachelor's degree. To become a social worker, you would typically need a bachelor's degree in social work, which takes around 4 years, or a master's degree in social work, which can take an additional 2 years.

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What is the examination that you take after your degree to become an accountant?

You would take the CPA exam to become a Certified Public Accountant.

How long does it take to become an accountant in Canada?

It takes about Four Years to Earn your BACHLERS Degree

What qualfications are needed to become an accountant?

To become an accountant you must have a degree. To become certified you must take the state test and pass.

Can one become an accountant without paper qualifications?

You cannot get an accountant job without paper qualifications. You can either get an accounting degree or have a degree in something else but take an exam to become an accountant.

What classes do you need to take in high school to become a accountant?

You need to take Invesments

Can a graduate become an accountant?

Yes, but will need to take the professional examinations.

What are the requirements to become an accountant?

what are the requirements needed to become and accountant

What classes do u have to take in college to become an accountant Nd wat major would it be?

You have to take Business studies and courses that are related to accounting, finance and economics to be an accountant.

What courses in college should an accountant in training take?

The best class to take is Accounting. You should also take Bookkeeping, Auditing, and Financing classes as well. They will all help you become the best accountant you can be.

What classes do you need to take in high school to become an accountant in the real world?

you probably have to take business math

Do I need financial certifications to become an accountant?

You do not need a financial certification to become an accountant. To become a certified accountant you will need a financial certification, and to become a CPA you will also need to pass an exam.

You want to become an accountant should i take extra maths at school..i am only 13 years old.but definitely want to become an accountant?

Very advisable to improve your mathermatical skills for this type of job.