Fuel consumption in a car is based on factors like the shape and weight of the car. Toyota and Honda are both car brands which consume less fuel.
A. Because small engine cars weigh less overall than larger cars. B. Because small engine cars have small wheels which equals less rolling resistance. C. Because small engine cars are smaller in dimension, allowing them to squeeze into small spaces not accessible by larger cars, resulting in less time spent in traffic, idling and increasing average fuel consumption. D. Because statistically small engine car owners are shorter and weigh less, and have smaller families (or large families and many smaller cars).
It would consume more fuel - as it would need to expend more energy to fight against the headwind.
Heavy cars are not economical. Lightweight cars use less fuel to get them moving and keep them moving.
Cars were less fuel eficient in the 1930,s as fuel was cheap and no one worried about air polution
Smaller cars generally weigh less and have smaller more fuel efficient motors where as larger cars generally have larger motors and weigh substantially more. More weight equals poorer gas mileage and larger engines consume more fuel.
no hybrids use the same amount of fuel as other cars but u can also use electriceity
Hybrid vehicles usually have a significantly higher fuel efficiency than conventional automobiles. They typically require less maintenance too. The range of efficiency varies. More information can be found at ConsumerReports.com, including comparisons between hybrids and conventionals.
less wind resistance, better fuel mileage
Less weight = better fuel mileage.
Heyy I'm dum